Mainspring GNL works preventively, primarily through ingestion and has little contact activity.
Apply when pest pressure is starting or when pests have historically been observed in the past.
Foliar Applications: (4-8 fl. oz./100 gal)
- Apply foliar sprays twice on a 14-day interval.
- A spreading type adjuvant will help improve spray coverage on waxy and difficult to wet leaf surfaces and will reduce residue.
Soil Drench and Injection Treatments: (8-12 fl. oz./100 gal)
- Applications should be made to moist soil/planting media. Irrigate plants a day or two before making the application.
- Drench/soil applications should be applied 2-3 weeks after transplant or once plants have rooted into their container.
- The more roots present– the more Mainspring GNL will be taken up to provide long, systemic protection.
- Use drench volume recommendations shown on the label.
- Goal is to wet 3/4 of the root zone. You may irrigate lightly after application to help move product into the root zone.
© Syngenta. Important: Always read and follow label instructions. Product may not be registered for sale or use in all states or counties and/or may have state-specific use restrictions. Please check with your local extension service to ensure registration status and proper use. Trademarks are the properties of their respective owners.