What's all the buzz about?

Pollinating insects are not the only ones buzzing about Operation Pollinator. Read more about the positive impact Operation Pollinator habitat can have on communities and the environment.

Young, wild and bee(s): How native areas and pollinators can benefit a course


Pollinator Protection Best Practices

Golf Course Industry

Protecting Pollinators: On the Right Course


The Plight of the Pollinator

Golf Course Management

Chattahoochee Charm

Golf Course Industry

Pollinator Health Requires Vigilance, Outreach

Superintendent Magazine

Growing Habitat Beyond the Farm


Emily Dobbs On Wildflowers, Pollinators and Golf Courses


Operation Pollinator for golf courses

Golf Course Management

Creating a buzz


Golf course as laboratory for pollinator studies

Ag Professional

Operation Pollinator offers new options to protect bees


Operation Pollinator wildflower plots established

The Bear Trace at Harrison Bay Golf Course

Operation Pollinator on the Country Club of Naples

Blog from the Country Club of Naples, FL

Grow like wildflowers

Superintendent Magazine

Bees thriving on golf courses with Operation Pollinator

Turf Republic

UGA Golf Course steps up pollinator protection with its first habitat

Athens Banner-Herald

Syngenta initiative restores native pollinators

Club & Resort Business

Syngenta’s Operation Pollinator gives bees a boost

Environmental Leader

New attraction developed for Veenker

Iowa State University

Catch the buzz – Attract pollinators to gardens in 3 easy steps

Bee Culture

Allentown Municipal Golf Course joins movement to help the honeybees

The Morning Call

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Follow us on Twitter @SyngentaTurf for the latest buzz on #OperationPollinator.

Image of a bee pollinator on a yellow flower.
SYNGENTA IS WORKING WITH beekeepers and researchers around the globe to help improve bee health. Visit OperationPollinator.com or BeeHealth.org to learn more about the activities in other countries and industries.

© Syngenta. The Purpose Icon, the Alliance Frame and the Syngenta logo are trademarks of a Syngenta Group Company.