Q: How do I start to build an Operation Pollinator habitat?

A: If you are interested in installing an Operation Pollinator habitat on your course, contact your local Syngenta territory manager.

Q: Does my golf course need an irrigation system in place?

A: If there is not enough rainfall in your area to support plant vegetation growth, you may consider adding an irrigation source near the plot. After planting the wildflower seeds, they need adequate irrigation for four to six weeks after sowing.

Q: How much investment is needed to begin an Operation Pollinator habitat?

A: There is no cost to participate in the Operation Pollinator program, but resources to create the plot are necessary. To install a successful plot you will need to remove the current vegetation and invest in the wildflower seed mix. Seed mixture prices from Applewood Seed Company vary. For pricing of wildflower mixtures, please contact Applewood Seed Company.

Q: After placing an order with Applewood Seed Company, approximately how long will it take to receive the seed?

A: Allow 7-10 days for the custom-blended seed to arrive.

Q: Where is the best place to establish a pollinator habitat on my golf course?

A: Operation Pollinator habitat can be placed in many places on the golf course. Examples include:

  • Around backs of tees
  • Out of play rough in undisturbed areas
  • Along woodland edges
  • Beside cart paths between holes
  • Visible areas to add color and beauty to golf course

Q: How much space should I designate for a pollinator habitat?

A: Site selection can range in size from a few thousand square feet to several acres.

Q: What are the most common pollinators I can see visiting my golf course's Operation Pollinator habitat(s)?

A: Pollinators visiting your habitat vary based on regional locations. The most common pollinators include: Native bees (more than 4,000 species in North America), including the common bumblebee, Bombus affinis and honey bees Butterflies Beetles Hummingbirds Moths

Q: What should I do if players at my course are worried about encountering bees?

A: Knowing a few facts about the primary pollinators in North America will help ease players' worry about being stung. For more detail, review this bee safety brochure.

  • Honey bees and bumblebees are the primary pollinators of wildflower habitats.
  • These bee species will not sting unless threatened during foraging for pollen and nectar.
  • Honey bees and some bumblebees are defensive within 10 to 20 feet of their hives.

Q: When is the best time to start the installation of my Operation Pollinator habitat?

A: Operation Pollinator management can deliver the successful establishment of pollen and nectar-rich wildflowers over the course of a year. Please allow six to eight months for complete establishment. Most commonly, golf courses install habitat in the fall, depending on their geographic region.

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Image of a bee pollinator on a yellow flower.
SYNGENTA IS WORKING WITH beekeepers and researchers around the globe to help improve bee health. Visit OperationPollinator.com or BeeHealth.org to learn more about the activities in other countries and industries.

1 Spleen, Angela M., Lengerich, Eugene J., Rennich, K., Caron, D., Rose, R., Pettis, Jeff S., Henson, M., Wilkes, James T., Wilson, M., Stitzinger, J., Lee, K., Andree, M., Snyder, R. vanEngelsdorp, D. Journal of Apicultural Research (2013). "A national survey of managed honey bee 2011-2012 winter colony losses in the United States: results from the Bee Informed Partnership." Web.

All photos are the property of Syngenta unless otherwise noted.

© Syngenta. The Purpose Icon, the Alliance Frame and the Syngenta logo are trademarks of a Syngenta Group Company. The Applewood Seed Company logo is a trademark of Applewood Seed.