Segovis sets a higher standard by delivering superior performance through a novel mode of action in a new class of chemistry, for control of downy mildew and Phytophthora diseases in greenhouse and nursery crops.
- Active ingredient: Oxathiapiprolin 18.7%
- MOA class: (U15)
- REI: 4 hours / No Signal Word – excellent worker safety profile
- Use sites: Greenhouse, shade and lath houses, outdoor nursery production and commercial landscapes
- Low Use Rates:
- Spray: 0.6-2.4 oz/100 gal
- Drench: 0.65-3.2 oz/100 gal
- Applications: Foliar spray (Broadcast, banded, directed), Drench, Chemigation and Aerial
- Formulation: Water-based suspension concentrate
- Package size: 8 x 1 pint