Tips for targeted weed control in warm-season turf lawns
March 25, 2025
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By Ron Townsend, M.S., technical services manager for Syngenta
Selective control of troublesome weeds is possible with the proper products and application timing for bermudagrass lawns. Grass weeds and sedges in lawns are the most problematic weeds to control. Annual grasses like crabgrass, goosegrass and doveweed, and perennials like dallisgrass, kyllinga and purple and yellow nutsedge, can be removed with a program that includes:
Left: crabgrass. Right: dallisgrass. Source: Dean MosdellBermudagrass Herbicide ProgramUse Patterns
| Winter to Spring
| Late Spring to Summer
| Late Summer
| Crabgrass, goosegrass (and other annual grasses), doveweed
| Sedges, doveweed
| Dallisgrass
| Between January and March, apply 24 oz./A of Barricade 4FL, or at 0.75 lb. a.i./A on a fertilizer carrier. Six to eight weeks later, reapply 24 oz./A of Barricade 4FL and 21 oz./A of Pennant Magnum.
| A Barricade 4FL program with Pennant Magnum will help control annual sedges and doveweed.
Early post-emergence
| If early pre-emergent applications are missed, apply 24 oz./A of Barricade 4FL and 10-15 g/A of Monument 75WG on small-tillered plants. Repeat the application in six to eight weeks.
| Apply 21 oz./A of Pennant Magnum and 10-15 g/A of Monument 75WG for control of doveweed, kyllinga and purple nutsedge (and other sedge species).
| Apply 10-15 g/A of Monument 75WG for sedges.
Apply 9.6 oz./10,000 ft.2 of Manuscript for large, tillering crabgrass. Repeat in 14 to 21 days.
| Apply 15 g/A of Monument 75WG or Manuscript at 9.6 oz./10,000 ft.2, a spot treatment rate, four apart.
Make another application if there is regrowth in the spring.
- Barricade 4FL: pre-emergent applications can help control crabgrass and other annual grasses.
- Making Barricade 4FL applications, followed by a repeat application in six to eight weeks, can help provide season-long control.
- If early applications are missed, a combination of Barricade 4FL and Monument 75WG will help control small-tillered crabgrass.
- Larger crabgrass plants can be controlled with spot treatment rates of Manuscript.
- Pennant Magnum: will help control goosegrass, doveweed, yellow nutsedge and annual sedges.
- Doveweed is an annual weed that germinates later in the season than crabgrass.
- Adding Pennant Magnum to the last Barricade 4FL application, followed by a repeat application four to six weeks later, will selectively help control doveweed.
- Monument 75WG: a versatile herbicide for use in warm-season turf lawns.
- Besides providing outstanding sedge control, Monument 75WG will also help control perennial dallisgrass.
- The best timing for treating dallisgrass is late summer, with a follow-up application in the spring if any regrowth appears.
- Dallisgrass has such extensive rhizome development that multiple applications may be needed for maximum efficacy.
- Manuscript: can be used to control large, multi-tiller crabgrass.
- Make two Manuscript applications on a 14- to 21-day interval.
- Other grass weeds like bahiagrass, bull paspallum and tropical signalgrass can also be controlled with Manuscript.
Control in St. Augustinegrass- Recognition® herbicide: provides a powerful tool for use in warm-season grasses including St. Augustinegrass and zoysiagrass lawns.
- Particularly well suited for St. Augustinegrass lawns, where few weed control options are available.
- Helps provide powerful control of more than 40 weeds including all major sedges and kyllingas, as well as broadleaf weeds including dollarweed and clover, all with unparalleled safety to St. Augustinegrass, zoysiagrass and kikuyugrass.
- Features a proprietary safener, metcamifen, which allows for broadcast applications.
Turfgrass Species
| Product and Application Rate
| Interval
St. Augustinegrass
| Recognition 1.29-1.95 oz./A Turflon® Ester Ultra specialty herbicide 8-16 fl. oz./A
| Four to six weeks when regrowth of target weeds is observed
| Recognition 1.29-1.95 oz./A Fusilade® II herbicide 12-24 fl. oz./A
| Four to six weeks when regrowth of target weeds is observed
For more information about guaranteed control,
view information about the Barricade guarantee program.
All photos are either the property of Syngenta or are used with permission.© 2025 Syngenta. Important: Always read and follow label instructions. Some products may not be registered for sale or use in all states or counties and/or may have state-specific use requirements. Please check with your local extension service to ensure registration and proper use. Syngenta supports a FIFRA Section 2(ee) recommendation for tank mixing Recognition and Fusilade II to remove bermudagrass from zoysiagrass and St. Augustinegrass. Syngenta also supports a FIFRA Section 2(ee) recommendation for tank mixing Recognition and Triclopyr to control weeds. Please see the Section 2(ee) recommendation to confirm that the recommendation is applicable in your state. The Section 2(ee) recommendation for tank mixtures with Recognition should be in the possession of the user at the time of application. Barricade®, Fusilade®, Manuscript®, Monument®, Pennant Magnum®, Recognition® and the Syngenta logo are trademarks of a Syngenta Group Company. All other trademarks are the property of their respective third-party owners.