How to get more out of your grub application

By Matt Giese, M.S., technical services manager for Syngenta

The Acelepryn® insecticide brand has become the standard for grub control because of its consistent performance. Now, with Acelepryn Xtra insecticide, lawn care operators can also control ants and receive early curative control and preventive control for grubs. Choose the product that best fits your needs at  

Acelepryn Xtra | Product guarantee | Acelepryn | Protecting woody ornamentals

Acelepryn Xtra insecticide

Acelepryn Xtra is the latest member of the Acelepryn family. It’s powered by two active ingredients and modes of action to deliver long-lasting, broad-spectrum insect control, including season-long control of grubs, billbugs and caterpillars, plus enhanced chinch bug control.

Season-long control
  • Acelepryn Xtra provides season-long control of every key turf-damaging white grub species and caterpillars including black cutworms, sod webworms and fall armyworms
  • It controls billbugs and also offers control of chinch bugs rather than suppression
  • Additionally, it provides control of ants and can be used through second instar for grub control, providing the widest window of application for these damaging pests
A wider spectrum of insect control

2.5 gallon jug of Acelepryn Xtra.Acelepryn Xtra is a combination of Acelepryn and Meridian® insecticides, so it’s powered by two active ingredients and modes of action to deliver long-lasting, broad-spectrum insect control. Combining IRAC group 28 and IRAC group 4A also makes Acelepryn Xtra a great resistance management tool as it offers an alternate mode of action to pyrethroid chemistries.

Guards landscape ornamentals
  • Acelepryn Xtra is also labeled for use on landscape ornamental plants including control of leaf-feeding Japanese beetle adults on ornamental plants in exterior landscapes. It can be applied in two ways:
    • Directly on leaves to control leaf-feeding caterpillars, Japanese beetle adults and lace bugs
    • Injected into the soil to combat birch leafminers, lace bugs and aphids

White grubs — preventive applications at egg hatch
A chart demonstrating that Acelepryn provides 91-100% control of white grubs.
Source: Seaman, Richmond and McDonald, New York, Indiana and Pennsylvania, 2020. Application dates were June 10, 2020 in New York; May 6, 2020 in Indiana; and May 1, 2020 in Pennsylvania. Values in parentheses indicate the percent of untreated control for each treatment as its respective location. *OB = Oriental beetle. JB = Japanese beetle. EC = European chafer. MC = masked chafer.

Using Acelepryn Xtra

The maximum annual rate of Acelepryn Xtra is 20 fl. oz./A. At the high rate, Acelepryn Xtra delivers the equivalent of 10 fl. oz./A of Acelepryn and 17 oz./A of Meridian 25WG insecticide for powerful insect control on golf course turf. 

Acelepryn Xtra is available in 2.5-gallon or 30-fl. oz. containers.

Rates and timings — Guaranteed!

Add Acelepryn Xtra in your grub control program and let Syngenta worry about the control with the GreenTrust® 365 Grub, Billbug and Caterpillar Prevention Guarantee. If Acelepryn or Acelepryn Xtra is applied as outlined in the Guarantee and a breakthrough occurs from white grubs, caterpillars, or billbugs, Syngenta will provide the appropriate product for curative control.

Acelepryn Insecticide

Timing Acelepryn applications

Acelepryn offers most effective control when applied in April or May, but also delivers excellent control of grubs when applied in June (see table below).

The wide application window of Acelepryn gives you the flexibility to make grub applications when it’s convenient for your operation. Because of its low water-solubility, Acelepryn applications made later in the season (June) should be watered-in so it moves into the soil where it will be available to newly hatched grubs.

Making applications

Acelepryn is a versatile product that fits well within a lawn care program. It’s also labeled for use on landscape ornamentals. Acelepryn is registered by the Environmental Protection Agency under its Reduced Risk Program1.

There are several methods to apply, including:
  • Foliar applications to control leaf-feeding caterpillars and Japanese beetle adults
  • Soil drench applications to prevent lace bugs, aphids and birch leafminers
  • Bark sprays to eliminate clearwing borers
  • Broadcast spray applications to landscape beds for grub control
Syngenta also offers free homeowner brochures about Acelepryn, Acelepryn Xtra and other products you can order here.

Protecting woody ornamentals with Acelepryn

In addition to protecting herbaceous landscape ornamentals, Acelepryn is also a powerful tool for controlling pests in woody ornamental plants such as trees, including non-bearing fruit and nut trees, shrubs, evergreens, conifers and woody-stemmed flowers such as roses, lilacs, dogwoods, azaleas and viburnums.

Target pests for foliar applications include:
  • Leaf-feeding caterpillars
    • Bagworms and sawflies on junipers and evergreens
    • Eastern tent caterpillar, gypsy moth caterpillar and fall webworms on trees and shrubs
  • Japanese beetle adults on linden, rose, hibiscus and various shrubs
  • Wooly adelgid on hemlock
  • Lace bug on rhododendron

Acelepryn does not cause mite flare-ups, because of its low impact on beneficial insects and non-targeted organisms, which makes it ideal for treating woody ornamentals as part of your lawn care service offering.

Contact your local Syngenta territory manager for more information on Acelepryn and Acelepryn Xtra.

1A reduced risk pesticide is defined as one which may reasonably be expected to accomplish one or more of the following; (1) reduces pesticide risks to human health; (2) reduces pesticide risks to non-target organisms; (3) reduces the potential for contamination of valued, environmental resources, or (4) broadens adoption of IPM or makes it more effective. Acelepryn qualifies under one or more of the above criteria.

All photos are either the property of Syngenta or are used with permission.

© 2025 Syngenta. Important: Always read and follow label instructions. Some products may not be registered for sale or use in all states or counties and/or may have state-specific use requirements. Please check with your local extension service to ensure registration and proper use. Acelepryn®, GreenCast®, GreenTrust®, Meridian®, the Alliance Frame, the Purpose Icon and the Syngenta logo are trademarks of a Syngenta Group Company.

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