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Powered by the active ingredient chlorantraniliprole, Acelepryn insecticide provides long-lasting control of key insect pests on turf, ornamental plants, trees and shrubs. Pests controlled include grubs, annual bluegrass weevil (ABW), Japanese beetle adults, turf caterpillars, leaf-feeding caterpillars, including eastern tent caterpillars, fall webworm and bagworms, sawfly larvae and more.

Active Ingredient(s): Chlorantraniliprole

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 28 Insecticide 

EPA#: 100-1489

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WeevilTrakSM provides timely, accurate information to help guide you through the Syngenta Optimum Control Strategy for the treatment of annual bluegrass weevil (ABW).

Acelepryn G


For systemic control of white grubs and other listed pests infesting landscape and recreational turfgrass (including golf courses) as well as landscape ornamentals, interior plantscapes and sod farms.

Active Ingredient(s): Chlorantraniliprole

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 28 Insecticide

EPA#: 100-1500

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Acelepryn Xtra


For control of insect pests of turfgrass and ornamental plants on golf courses, residential lawns, commercial grounds (i.e., office and shopping complexes, airports), parks, playgrounds, and athletic fields

Active Ingredient(s): Chlorantraniliprole , Thiamethoxam

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 28, 4A Insecticide 

EPA#: 100-1680

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Advion Ant Bait Arena


Advion® Ant bait arena is an innovative technology that can be used in many sensitive situations for outstanding ant control. Arenas should be placed in areas where ants are currently foraging, or where foraging activity is suspected.

Active Ingredient(s): Indoxacarb

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 22 Insecticide

EPA#: 100-1485

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Advion Ant Gel


FOR USE IN RESIDENTIAL, INSTITUTIONAL, COMMERCIAL, AND INDUSTRIAL AREAS: Use sites include single and multi-family residential buildings, schools, commercial and industrial facilities (including warehouses, apartments, supermarkets, restaurants, motels, hotels, hospitals, zoos, food handling/storage establishments), and transportation equipment such as aircraft, trains, ships, boats, buses.

Active Ingredient(s): Indoxacarb

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 22 Insecticide

EPA#: 100-1498

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Advion Ant Gel Station


Active Ingredient(s): Indoxacarb*

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 22A Insecticide 

EPA#: 100-1715

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Advion Cockroach Bait Arena


Advion® Cockroach Bait Arena contains cockroach bait material that contains the active ingredient indoxacarb, an insecticide that acts through ingestion by cockroaches.

Active Ingredient(s): Indoxacarb

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 22 Insecticide

EPA#: 100-1486

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Advion Cockroach Gel Bait


Advion® Cockroach Gel Bait is designed to control pest species of cockroaches such as German, American, Australian, Smoky-Brown, Brown, Asian, Oriental, and Brown-Banded.

Active Ingredient(s): Indoxacarb

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 22 Insecticide 

EPA#: 100-1484

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Advion Evolution Cockroach Gel Bait


Advion Evolution Cockroach Gel Bait features the proven performance of indoxacarb, the same active ingredient (a.i.) found in Advion Cockroach. Its enhanced bait matrix is highly attractive to cockroaches, which results in increased feeding and faster kill for even the toughest-to-control populations.

Active Ingredient(s): Indoxacarb

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 22 Insecticide

EPA#: 100-1484

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Advion Fire Ant Bait


For control of imported fire ants, bigheaded ants, pavement ants, and turfgrass ants on lawns, recreational areas, golf courses and fenced pastures grazed by horses and other companion animals. For control of imported fire ants in commercial nursery production of field and container grown ornamentals and non-bearing fruit and nut trees and turf grass sod on sod farms.

Active Ingredient(s): Indoxacarb

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 22 Insecticide

EPA#: 100-1481

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Advion Insect Granular Bait


Advion® Insect granular bait with a MetaActive™ effect features a novel bait matrix that is highly attractive to target pests, resulting in greater control.

Active Ingredient(s): Indoxacarb

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 22 Insecticide

EPA#: 100-1483

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Advion Insect Granule


Turf pests have met their match with Advion® insect granule. It contains the active ingredient, indoxacarb, in a formulation that is highly attractive to house crickets, field crickets, cockroaches, silverfish and nuisance ants.

Active Ingredient(s): Indoxacarb

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 22 Insecticide

EPA#: 100-1483

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Advion MicroFlow Insect Bait


A ready-to-use dry flowable bait for indoor and outdoor control of cockroaches, crickets (including mole crickets), ants (excluding red imported Fire ants, harvester ants, carpenter ants and pharaoh ants), and listed crawling insect pests in and around residential, commercial, agricultural, public, and institutional buildings.

Active Ingredient(s): Indoxacarb

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 22A Insecticide 

EPA#: 100-1682

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Advion Trio Cockroach Gel Bait


Active Ingredient(s): Indoxacarb, Novaluron, Pyriproxyfen

EPA#: 100-1679

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Advion Trio Cockroach Gel Bait


With the combined power of three modes of action and three active ingredients, including two insect growth regulators (IGRs), Advion Trio helps offer complete control of cockroach nymphs and adults with built-in resistance management.

Active Ingredient(s): Indoxacarb, Novaluron, Pyriproxyfen

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 22A, 15, 7C Insecticide

EPA#: 100-1679

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Advion WDG


The Advion® brand you trust is available in a sprayable formulation. Advion WDG insecticide with a MetaActive™ effect gives you flexibility to control a broad range of pests in commercial and residential areas, including food-handling establishments.

Active Ingredient(s): Indoxacarb

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 22 Insecticide

EPA#: 100-1501

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Advion WDG (1.65 oz)


For use in and around single and multi-family residential buildings; schools; institutional, commercial, and industrial facilities (including warehouses, apartments, supermarkets, restaurants, motels, hotels, hospitals, daycare facilities, food-handling/ storage/ processing establishments and zoos); transportation equipment, such as aircraft, trains, ships, boats, and buses; and companion animal housing.

Active Ingredient(s): Indoxacarb

EPA#: 100-1501

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A flare root-injected systemic fungicide for control of selected diseases in trees

Active Ingredient(s): Propiconazole

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 3 Fungicide

EPA#: 100-741

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For use by individuals/firms licensed or registered by the State to apply termiticide products. States may have more restrictive requirements regarding qualifications of persons using this product. Consult the structural pest control regulatory agency of your State prior to use of this product.

Active Ingredient(s): Chlorantraniliprole

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 28 Insecticide

EPA#: 100-1503

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A systemic fungicide for the control of diseases caused by Pythium spp. and other pathogens on turf of golf courses.

Active Ingredient(s): Potassium Phosphite

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group P07 Fungicide

EPA#: 100-1451

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Appear II


Appear II fungicide controls important diseases including Pythium and anthracnose, while enhancing color, turf quality and stress tolerance.

Active Ingredient(s): Potassium Phosphite

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group P07 Fungicide

EPA#: 100-1642

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Arbotect 20S


For Dutch Elm Disease and Sycamore Anthracnose

Active Ingredient(s): Thiabendazole

EPA#: 100-892

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An insect growth regulator (IGR) for use in homes, apartments, schools, warehouses, offices, and other private, commercial or public buildings, in non-food preparation areas of food handling and processing establishments, in transport vehicles, animal housing facilities, and outdoor perimeter treatments on and adjacent to buildings and structures, and in pet areas

Active Ingredient(s): Pyriproxyfen

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 7C Insecticide

EPA#: 100-1111

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Ardent 0.15EC


For control of leafminers and mites and suppression of aphids, whiteflies, and thrips on ornamental plants. Recommended for Agricultural/Commercial Use

Active Ingredient(s): Abamectin

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 6 Insecticide

EPA#: 100-896

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For use in and around single and multi-family residential buildings; schools; institutional, commercial, and industrial facilities (including warehouses, apartments, supermarkets, restaurants, motels, hotels, hospitals, daycares, and food-handling/storage/processing establishments); and transportation equipment, such as aircraft, trains, ships, boats, and buses

Active Ingredient(s): Indoxacarb

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 22 Insecticide

EPA#: 100-1501

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Arilon (1.65 oz)


For use in and around single and multi-family residential buildings; schools; institutional, commercial, and industrial facilities (including warehouses, apartments, supermarkets, restaurants, motels, hotels, hospitals, daycares, and food-handling/storage/processing establishments); and transportation equipment, such as aircraft, trains, ships, boats, and buses

Active Ingredient(s): Indoxacarb

EPA#: 100-1501

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Ascernity® fungicide is a robust combination of Solatenol® (benzovindiflupyr) – an advanced SDHI technology in golf on large patch, brown patch and anthracnose – and difenoconazole, the proven cooling DMI, to prevent and control more than 20 diseases in cool and warm-season turf with no heat restrictions.

Active Ingredient(s): SOLATENOL® technology (benzovindiflupyr), difenoconazole

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 3, 7 Fungicide

EPA#: 100-1477

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Avid 0.15 EC


For Control of Leafminers and Mites and Suppression of Aphids, Whiteflies, and Thrips on Ornamental Plants. Recommended for Agricultural/Commercial Use.

Active Ingredient(s): Abamectin

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 6 Insecticide 

EPA#: 100-896

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Banner Maxx II


Banner Maxx® II is a systemic fungicide that provides effective broad-spectrum disease control of more than 20 diseases at low-use rates. It enters through the surface stem or root system, and prevents fungal cell growth by inhibiting sterol biosynthesis.

Active Ingredient(s): Propiconazole

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 3 Fungicide

EPA#: 100-1326

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Barricade 4FL


Barricade® 4FL herbicide controls susceptible weeds by preventing growth and development of newly germinated weeds. Barricade 4FL is labeled to control more than 30 weeds, and is guaranteed to provide long-lasting, preemergent weed control with one application. All applications must be made before the targeted weeds germinate; Barricade 4FL will not control weeds after they have already emerged.

Active Ingredient(s): Prodiamine

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 3 Herbicide

EPA#: 100-1139

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Barricade 65WG


Barricade® 65WG herbicide controls more than 30 weeds with season-long control at low use rates. The water-dispersible granule provides the ease of handling and reduced packaging of a dry formulation.

Active Ingredient(s): Prodiamine

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 3 Herbicide

EPA#: 100-834

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Plant Growth Regulator

Bonzi® plant growth regulator ensures plants stay compact and beautiful to keep them at their peak longer for increased profitability. Bonzi is labeled for multiple application methods to provide versatility and flexibility. It can be applied as a spray, drench or pre-plant bulb soak on a wide variety of bedding plants, bulb crops, annual and perennial plants, as well as herbaceous and woody ornamentals.

Active Ingredient(s): Paclobutrazol

EPA#: 100-996

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Briskway® fungicide combines a cooling DMI (Demethylation Inhibitor) with a proven strobilurin to control over 20 turf diseases. Briskway can be used throughout the season as part of an agronomic program, including during high heat and humidity with no heat restrictions or negative growth regulation.

Active Ingredient(s): Azoxystrobin, Difenoconazole

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 11, 3 Fungicide

EPA#: 100-1433

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Caravan G


Caravan® G insecticide/fungicide is a broad-spectrum combination product delivering the disease control of Heritage® G fungicide and the insect control of Meridian® 25WG insecticide.

Active Ingredient(s): Azoxystrobin, Thiamethoxam

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 11, 4A Insecticide

EPA#: 100-1415

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For control of selected insects, including Dipterous leafminers (Liriomyza species) and fungus gnats, in landscape ornamentals; container-grown ornamentals; greenhouse-, lathhouse- and shadehouse-grown ornamental bedding plants and ornamental crops; and interiorscapes; and shore flies, in greenhouse ornamental crops and interiorscapes only. For control of Dipterous leafminers, fungus gnats, and shore flies in vegetable transplants grown for consumer use.

Active Ingredient(s): Cyromazine

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 17 Insecticide

EPA#: 100-667

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Plant Growth Regulator

Plant growth regulator for non-residential turfgrass.

Active Ingredient(s): Paclobutrazol

EPA#: 100-1412

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Broad-spectrum fungicide for the prevention and control of turf diseases

Active Ingredient(s): Azoxystrobin, Propiconazole

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 11, 3 Fungicide 

EPA#: 100-1540

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Concert II


Concert® II fungicide includes two active ingredients to help prevent and control more than 13 diseases. Concert II also contains a multi-site mode of action to help delay resistance.

Active Ingredient(s): Chlorothalonil, Propiconazole

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 3, M5 Fungicide

EPA#: 100-1347

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Contend fungicide helps control multiple species and stages of pink and gray snow mold on fairways. Contend contains four active ingredients in three FRAC groups, including SOLATENOL SDHI technology (benzovindiflupyr), to protect turf for up to 110 days under snow cover.

Active Ingredient(s): Benzovindiflupyr, Difenoconazole, Azoxystrobin, Propiconazole

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 7, 11, 3 Fungicide

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Contend A


A dual mode of action fungicide for the prevention and control of snow mold on golf course turfgrass only

Active Ingredient(s): Benzovindiflupyr, Difenoconazole

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 3, 7 Fungicide

EPA#: 100-1477

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Contend B


Broad-spectrum fungicide for the prevention and control of snow mold on golf course turfgrass only.

Active Ingredient(s): Azoxystrobin, Propiconazole

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 11, 3 Fungicide

EPA#: 100-1540

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Daconil Action


Daconil® Action™ fungicide is a broad-spectrum fungicide and plant activator that controls 15 and suppresses two diseases. Daconil Action combines the unmatched dependability of Daconil fungicide with the added benefit of acibenzolar-S-methyl (also known as acibenzolar). Unlike traditional methods of disease control, acibenzolar is not a fungicide - it has no direct effect against pathogenic fungi and bacteria.

Active Ingredient(s): Chlorothalonil, Acibenzolar-S-methyl

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group M5, P1 Fungicide 

EPA#: 100-1364

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Daconil Ultrex


DACONIL ULTREX is an excellent disease control agent for turf and ornamental plants on a broad spectrum of plant diseases. DACONIL ULTREX is recommended for use in programs which are compatible with the principles of Integrated Pest Management (IPM), which include the use of disease resistant crop varieties, cultural practices, pest scouting and disease forecasting systems which reduce unnecessary applications of pesticides.

Active Ingredient(s): Chlorothalonil

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group M5 Fungicide

EPA#: 50534-202-100

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Daconil Ultrex 100-1694


For control of turf and ornamental diseases. For control of diseases in almond, apricot, cherry, filbert, nectarine, peach, pistachio, plum and prune trees.

Active Ingredient(s): Chlorothalonil

EPA#: 100-1694

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Daconil Weatherstik


Disease control agent for control of a broad spectrum of plant diseases. Recommended for use in IPM programs. Effective for strategic use in programs that attempt to minimize disease resistance to fungicides.

Active Ingredient(s): Chlorothalonil

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group M5 Fungicide

EPA#: 50534-209-100

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Daconil Weatherstik 100-1695


For control of turf and ornamental diseases. For control of diseases of apricot, cherry (sweet and tart), nectarine, peach, plum and prune trees.

Active Ingredient(s): Chlorothalonil

EPA#: 100-1695

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Daconil Zn Flowable


Daconil Zn is registered to control 13 turf diseases and algae in turf. It is also registered for control of 50 diseases on over 75 ornamental plants.

Active Ingredient(s): Chlorothalonil

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group M5 Fungicide

EPA#: 50534-211-100

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Daconil Zn Flowable 100-1696


For control of turf and ornamental diseases

Active Ingredient(s): Chlorothalonil

EPA#: 100-1696

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Demand CS


Demand® CS insecticide offers up to 90 days of control of more than 30 pests including mosquitoes, ticks, fleas, ants and cockroaches. An independent, third-party tick control study found that a fall application of Demand CS resulted in zero adult ticks posttreatment in the fall and early spring, as well as zero nymphs in the spring. To learn more about these findings, read this article from PCT magazine.

Active Ingredient(s): Lambda-cyhalothrin

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 3A Insecticide

EPA#: 100-1066

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Demand Duo


For use as a spot treatment and perimeter treatment for the control of listed pests in, on, and around residential, institutional, public, commercial, and industrial buildings.

Active Ingredient(s): Thiamethoxam, Lambda-cyhalothrin

EPA#: 100-1653

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Demand G


For use around buildings and structures for the control of listed pests, including on lawns, around ornamental trees and shrubs around residential, institutional, public, commercial, agricultural and industrial buildings; and parks, recreational areas and athletic fields.

Active Ingredient(s): Lambda-cyhalothrin

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 3A Insecticide

EPA#: 100-1240

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Demon Max


For use in, on and around building and structures for the control of listed pests, including lawns and landscape uses. For subterranean termite control, product is to be used by individuals/firms licensed or registered by the state to apply termicide products. States may have more retrictive requirements regarding qualifications of persons using this product. Consult the structural pest control regulatory agency of your state prior to use of this product.

Active Ingredient(s): Cypermethrin

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 3A Insecticide

EPA#: 100-1218

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Demon WP WSP


A general surface, crack-and-crevice and/or spot treatment for residual and contact control of ants, carpenter ants, cockroaches, crickets, spiders and other insect pests. For use in, on and around buildings and structures for the control of listed pests, including on lawns, ornamental trees and shrubs around residential, institutional, public, commercial, agricultural and industrial buildings; and parks, recreational areas and athletic fields.

Active Ingredient(s): Cypermethrin

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 3A Insecticide

EPA#: 100-1000

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For control of turf-parasitic nematodes on golf course greens, tees and fairways, and professional and collegiate sports fields.

Active Ingredient(s): Abamectin

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 6 Insecticide

EPA#: 100-1611

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Broad spectrum and systemic disease control for turf and ornamentals

Active Ingredient(s): Propiconazole

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 3 Fungicide

EPA#: 100-741

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Endeavor® insecticide belongs to a unique class of chemistry that eliminates aphids and whiteflies. It provides residual control by quickly inhibiting insect feeding. Endeavor is highly compatible with beneficial insects, making it an ideal tool for integrated pest management (IPM) programs in the greenhouse and nursery.

Active Ingredient(s): Pymetrozine

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 9B Insecticide

EPA#: 100-913

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For preemergence control of grass and broadleaf weeds in: • Established turfgrasses (excluding golf course putting greens), lawns and sod nurseries • Container, field-grown and landscape ornamentals • Conifer and hardwood seedling nurseries • Established perennials and wildflower plantings • Non-crop areas, including plantings on managed rights-of-way for transportation systems and utilities (including, roadways, roadsides, railways and equipment yards) • Facilities including substations, tank farms, pumping stations, parking and storage areas, and ungrazed fence rows • Christmas tree farms

Active Ingredient(s): Prodiamine

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 3 Herbicide

EPA#: 100-834

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Ference® insecticide is targeted to control all larval stages (one through five) of annual bluegrass weevil (ABW). Ference also controls billbugs, European crane flies, white grubs, turf caterpillars and suppresses chinch bugs.

Active Ingredient(s): Cyantraniliprole

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 28 Insecticide

EPA#: 100-1551

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Ference continues to be the trusted choice for ABW control

Hear why superintendents Continue to Choose Ference.

Flagship 25WG


For foliar and systemic control of insect pests in ornamental plants, fruit and nut trees (non-bearing) Christmas trees, forest seedlings and listed vegetables grown for transplant.

Active Ingredient(s): Thiamethoxam

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 4A Insecticide

EPA#: 100-955

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Fusilade II Turf and Ornamental


Fusilade II herbicide is a selective post emergent turf and ornamental herbicide that controls a long list of both perennial and annual grass weeds in a variety of turf and landscape areas. Extremely fast and effective, Fusilade II can be applied over-the-top or as a directed spray without damaging valuable ornamental plants/shrubs. It can also be used at reduced rates to safely remove bermudagrass from tall fescue and zoysiagrass.

Active Ingredient(s): Fluazifop-P-butyl

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 1 Herbicide

EPA#: 100-1084

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Headway ® offers excellent broad-spectrum disease control on cool- and warm-season turf species, including spring dead spot, take-all root rot, take-all patch, summer patch, leaf spot and fairy ring. Headway combines two systemic active ingredients with different modes of action, providing an excellent rotation product in agronomic programs to help delay resistance.

Active Ingredient(s): Azoxystrobin, Propiconazole

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 11, 3 Fungicide

EPA#: 100-1216

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Headway G


Headway® G provides the effectiveness of a spray with the convenience of a granular due to a highly soluble carrier. Headway G provides the same long-lasting broad-spectrum control of the liquid Headway formulation on turfgrass diseases including brown patch, dollar spot, anthracnose and take-all patch.

Active Ingredient(s): Azoxystrobin, Propiconazole

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 11, 3 Fungicide

EPA#: 100-1378

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Heritage® is a systemic fungicide with preventive and curative properties for control of some of the toughest turf and ornamental diseases. This unique strobilurin is absorbed into leaves and sheaths when applied and also moves from the soil into the roots, providing long-lasting protection against a wide range of diseases.

Active Ingredient(s): Azoxystrobin

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 11 Fungicide

EPA#: 100-1093

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Heritage Action


Heritage Action is a broad-spectrum, systemic fungicide for the prevention and control of turf diseases on golf courses, sod farms, institutional, commercial and industrial buildings, and collegiate and professional athletic fields. It contains two active ingredients that work together to control disease while protecting turf from abiotic stress like heat and drought.

Active Ingredient(s): Azoxystrobin, Acibenzolar-S-methyl

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 11, P1 Fungicide 

EPA#: 100-1550

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Heritage Action Learning Module

Learn about the hybrid technology of Heritage Action fungicide that couples the proven disease control of Heritage™ fungicide with a boost of acibenzolar-s-methyl (ASM) to help plants better manage biotic and abiotic stress.

Heritage G


Heritage G is a broad spectrum fungicide that protects turf from diseases like leaf spot, brown patch, gray leaf spot and more for up to 28 days.

Active Ingredient(s): Azoxystrobin

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 11 Fungicide

EPA#: 100-1323

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Heritage SC


Heritage SC is a broad-spectrum, systemic fungicide with preventative and curative properties for the control of pathogens causing foliar, stem, and root diseases, including leaf and stem blights, leaf spots, patch diseases, mildews, anthracnose, fairy rings, molds, and rusts of turfgrass, ornamentals, fruit and nut trees, vines, and vegetable and herb plants listed on the label.

Active Ingredient(s): Azoxystrobin

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 11 Fungicide

EPA#: 100-1539

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Heritage TL


Heritage TL is a broad spectrum fungicide for control of plant diseases.

Active Ingredient(s): Azoxystrobin

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 11 Fungicide

EPA#: 100-1191

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Instrata® fungicide combines the active ingredients found in Daconil®, Medallion® and Banner Maxx® II fungicides in a proprietary formulation. The combination of these active ingredients, with their multiple modes of action, enables Instrata to control numerous pathogens that cause snow mold and many other seasonal diseases.

Active Ingredient(s): Chlorothalonil, Fludioxonil, Propiconazole

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 12, 3, M5 Fungicide

EPA#: 100-1231

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Mainspring GNL


Mainspring GNL insecticide guards greenhouse and nursery crops from key chewing and sucking pests, including thrips, whiteflies, aphids, caterpillars, leafminers, leaf-feeding beetles, soft scales and lacebugs. It offers reliable, extended protection as part of a preventive pest management strategy.

Active Ingredient(s): Cyantraniliprole

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 28 Insecticide

EPA#: 100-1543

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Mainspring Xtra


With two modes of action, Mainspring® Xtra insecticide offers additional insect control to protect your most valuable crops. Powered by cyantraniliprole and thiamethoxam, it delivers fast-acting and broader-spectrum insect control while improving plant quality in greenhouses, nurseries and ornamental landscapes.

Active Ingredient(s): Cyantraniliprole, Thiamethoxam

EPA#: 100-1424

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Manuscript herbicide is sold as a combination of Manuscript herbicide and Adigor surfactant. Manuscript is a post-emergence herbicide for control of grass weeds in bermudagrass, zoysiagrass and St. Augustinegrass turf. Intended for use by professional applicators only. Manuscript may be applied to bermudagrass and zoysiagrass on golf courses, sod farms, sport fields, residential properties (including home lawns) and other non-residential turf areas (such as airports, cemeteries, commercial buildings, and similar sites). Manuscript may be applied to St. Augustinegrass grown on sod farms only.

Active Ingredient(s): Pinoxaden

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 1 Herbicide 

EPA#: 100-1626

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Medallion SC


For control of certain foliar, stem, and root diseases in turfgrass including golf courses, institutional, commercial and residential lawns, sod farms, sports fields, parks, municipal grounds and cemeteries

Active Ingredient(s): Fludioxonil

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 12 Fungicide

EPA#: 100-1448

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Medallion WDG


For control of certain foliar, stem, and root diseases in ornamentals grown in interiorscapes, field nursery plantings, container nurseries, forest nurseries, residential and commercial landscapes, greenhouses, lath and shade houses, or other enclosed structures. For control of Fusarium in bulb and corm crops by dip application.

Active Ingredient(s): Fludioxonil

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 12 Fungicide

EPA#: 100-1434

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Meridian 0.33G


Meridian 0.33G insecticide provides turf managers with an unprecedented degree of control and application flexibility in managing a broad spectrum of grubs and insects on their turf. Insects controlled include soil pests such as billbugs and white grubs (such as Japanese beetles, oriental beetles, and European, Southern and Northern masked chafer); and foliar pests such as aphids, whiteflies, mealybugs and leafhoppers - among many others.

Active Ingredient(s): Thiamethoxam

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 4A Insecticide

EPA#: 100-961

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Meridian 25WG


Meridian 25WG insecticide provides foliar and systemic control of grubs and insects in turf. It has a wide application window and does not have to be watered in until up to 7 days after application. It is also effective on a wide range of ornamentals around golf courses, residential lawns and interiorscapes. The active ingredient, thiamethoxam, works both through insect ingestion and contact activity.

Active Ingredient(s): Thiamethoxam

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 4A Insecticide

EPA#: 100-943

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For control of diseases caused by Downy Mildew and Phytophthora: In greenhouse and outdoor grown ornamentals, including those grown in hoop, lath and shade structures; Listed vegetables and basil grown for transplant and retail sale to consumers.

Active Ingredient(s): Mandipropamid

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 40 Fungicide

EPA#: 100-1388

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Mika SC


Broad-spectrum fungicide for prevention and control of diseases of turf and ornamentals, and transplants of fruit and nut trees, vines, and vegetable and herb plants.

Active Ingredient(s): Azoxystrobin

EPA#: 100-1539

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Monument 75WG


A herbicide for control of certain broadleaf, sedge, and grass weeds in turf.

Active Ingredient(s): Trifloxysulfuron-sodium

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 2 Herbicide

EPA#: 100-1134

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Mural® fungicide offers one versatile solution powered by an advanced generation SDHI and Heritage® fungicide to control the widest range of root and foliar diseases in ornamental and vegetable plants. Mural provides control of key foliar, stem and root diseases including Botrytis, Rhizoctonia and leaf spots like powdery mildew and anthracnose.

Active Ingredient(s): Azoxystrobin, Benzovindiflupyr

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 11, 7 Fungicide

EPA#: 100-1479

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Optigard Ant Gel Bait


For indoor and outdoor control of structure-invading ants : excluding fire, harvester and pharaoh ants. FOR USE IN COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND RESIDENTIAL AREAS. Use sites include residential areas and institutional, warehousing and commercial establishments (including warehouses, restaurants, food processing plants, supermarkets, hospitals, nursing homes, motels, hotels, schools, apartments, aircraft, buses, boats/ships, trains).

Active Ingredient(s): Thiamethoxam

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 4A Insecticide

EPA#: 100-1260

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Optigard Cockroach Gel Bait


Optigard Cockroach Gel Bait features a unique active ingredient (a.i.), emamectin benzoate, which affects cockroaches at the nerve and the muscle. This helps provide another critical tool to effectively control cockroaches, all while following good resistance management practices.

Active Ingredient(s): Emamectin Benzoate

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 6 Insecticide

EPA#: 100-1290

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Optigard Fire Ant Bait


For control of imported fire ants on turf, lawns and landscapes, and other non-crop areas. Can be applied as both a broadcast application and mound treatment.

Active Ingredient(s): Abamectin

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 6 Insecticide

EPA#: 100-893

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Optigard Flex Liquid


For control of listed pests: including cockroaches, ants (except carpenter ants and Pharaoh ants), fire ants, yellow jackets, wasps and beetles. For control of localized infestations of drywood termites, subterranean termites, carpenter bees, and wood destroying beetles and borers.

Active Ingredient(s): Thiamethoxam

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 4A Insecticide

EPA#: 100-1306

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Paclo Pro

Plant Growth Regulator

Ornamental Growth Regulator

Active Ingredient(s): Paclobutrazol

EPA#: 100-996

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A fungicide for control of Botrytis and other diseases in ornamental flowers and plants; ornamental bulb, corm and tuber crops; conifers; and Christmas trees grown in greenhouses and nurseries (including field- and container-grown plants grown outdoors and in shade houses, lath houses and other ornamental production structures), conifer and forest nurseries, forestry production and plantations, retail nurseries, interiorscapes and commercial landscapes; and ornamentals on golf courses and landscaped areas around institutional, public, commercial and industrial buildings, parks, recreational areas, and athletic fields.

Active Ingredient(s): Cyprodinil, Fludioxonil

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 12, 9 Fungicide

EPA#: 100-1328

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For use in, on and around buildings and structures for the control of listed pests, including on lawns, ornamental trees and shrubs around residential, institutional, public, commercial, agricultural and industrial buildings; and parks, recreational areas and athletic fields.

Active Ingredient(s): Lambda-cyhalothrin

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 3A Insecticide

EPA#: 100-1066

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Pennant Magnum


Pennant Magnum herbicide, containing the active ingredient s-metolachlor, prevents yellow nutsedge, smooth and large crabgrass, and over 20 more turf, ornamental and landscape weeds from germinating on the golf course or in the landscape and is safe to ornamental plants.

Active Ingredient(s): S-Metolachlor

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 15 Herbicide

EPA#: 100-950

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Plant Growth Regulator

For managing growth, improving quality and stress tolerance, and edging of warm- and cool-season turfgrasses

Active Ingredient(s): Trinexapac-ethyl

EPA#: 100-937

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Posterity fungicide is the most active SDHI fungicide for the turf market. Providing power that lasts, Posterity holds stronger for up to 28 days of dollar spot control and delivers consistent spring dead spot control. Posterity is labeled for all golf course turf and fits in agronomic solutions to protect cool- and warm-season turf.

Active Ingredient(s): Pydiflumetofen

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 7 Fungicide

EPA#: 100-1600

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Posterity Forte


Posterity® Forte fungicide is a powerful combination of three active ingredients, including Adepidyn®, that delivers impressive control of spring dead spot and take-all root rot. It can also provide control of brown patch and dollar spot on all turf types. With active ingredients in three different FRAC groups, it is an effective tool for resistance management and delivers impressive disease control for fairways, yet is strong enough for greens.

Active Ingredient(s): Pydiflumetofen, Azoxystrobin, Propiconazole

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 3, 7, 11 Fungicide

EPA#: 100-1604

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Posterity XT


As a powerful evolution of the Posterity® fungicide brand, new Posterity XT is a combination of three leading active ingredients including Adepidyn®. It provides control of more than 25 diseases, as well as up to 28 days of control of more than 20 diseases including dollar spot, brown patch and summer patch. With active ingredients in three different FRAC groups, it is an effective tool for resistance management and delivers impressive disease control for fairways, yet is strong enough for greens.

Active Ingredient(s): Pydiflumetofen, Azoxystrobin, Propiconazole

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 3, 7, 11 Fungicide

EPA#: 100-1654

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Postiva® fungicide is powered by ADEPIDYN® technology, the first member of a subclass of SDHIs, and difenoconazole, a DMI fungicide. With two modes of action, Postiva provides strong protection and reliable control of difficult diseases such as Fusarium, leaf spots, Botrytis, powdery mildew, as well as bacterial suppression.

Active Ingredient(s): Pydiflumetofen, Difenoconazole

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 3, 7 Fungicide

EPA#: 100-1661

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Postiva Learning Module

Learn how to perfect your program with Postiva with the help of the Postiva Learning Module.

Primo Maxx

Plant Growth Regulator

Primo Maxx® promotes denser, healthier turf that is better able to withstand a variety of stresses including heat, drought, diseases and traffic. It slows the production of gibberellic acid, a plant hormone that promotes cell elongation. Vertical shoot growth is slowed, while lateral and below-ground growth of rhizomes, stolons, tillers and roots is stimulated.

Active Ingredient(s): Trinexapac-ethyl

EPA#: 100-937

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Princep Liquid


Princep Liquid is a pre-emergent herbicide that controls a wide variety of annual broadleaf and grass weeds. Princep enters through the root to inhibit growth of a wide variety of weeds, including crabgrass, pigweeds, annual bluegrass, burclover, lawn burweed, chickweed, groundsel, henbit and more.

Active Ingredient(s): Simazine

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 5 Herbicide

EPA#: 100-526

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European crane flies, annual bluegrass weevil (ABW), turf caterpillars (including armyworms, cutworms and sod webworms) and mole crickets all pose a significant threat to turf. Provaunt® insecticide controls all of these pests and more to protect your turf and landscape ornamentals.

Active Ingredient(s): Indoxacarb

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 22 Insecticide

EPA#: 100-1487

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WeevilTrakSM provides timely, accurate information to help guide you through the Syngenta Optimum Control Strategy for the treatment of annual bluegrass weevil (ABW).

Provaunt WDG


European crane flies, annual bluegrass weevil (ABW), turf caterpillars (including armyworms, cutworms and sod webworms) and mole crickets all pose a significant threat to turf. Provaunt® WDG insecticide controls all of these pests and more to protect your turf and landscape ornamentals.

Active Ingredient(s): Indoxacarb

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 22 Insecticide

EPA#: 100-1636

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WeevilTrakSM provides timely, accurate information to help guide you through the Syngenta Optimum Control Strategy for the treatment of annual bluegrass weevil (ABW).



Recognition is a selective herbicide applied after emergence of weeds in established bermudagrass, zoysiagrass, buffalograss, St. Augustinegrass, and kikuyugrass grown on golf courses, sod farms, sports fields, residential lawns (except in California), and other non-residential turf including airports, cemeteries, commercial buildings, and similar sites.

Active Ingredient(s): Trifloxysulfuron-sodium

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 2 Herbicide 

EPA#: 100-1658

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Renown® is a broad-spectrum fungicide with contact and systemic, preventive and curative properties to add to your arsenal against many turf diseases. Once applied, one of the active ingredients, azoxystrobin, cycles systemically through the entire plant, from root to leaf tip. Even after heavy rains or watering, the stick-and-stay technology of the other active ingredient, chlorothalonil, is held to the plant.

Active Ingredient(s): Azoxystrobin, Chlorothalonil

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 11, M5 Fungicide

EPA#: 100-1315

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Resolute 4FL


For selective preemergence control of grass and broadleaf weeds in: • established turfgrasses (excluding golf course putting greens), lawns, and sod nurseries • container, field-grown, and landscape ornamentals • established perennial and wildflower plantings • Christmas tree farms

Active Ingredient(s): Prodiamine

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 3 Herbicide

EPA#: 100-1139

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Resolute 65WG


For preemergence control of grass and broadleaf weeds in: • Established turfgrasses (excluding golf course putting greens), lawns and sod nurseries • Container, field-grown and landscape ornamentals • Conifer and hardwood seedling nurseries • Established perennials and wildflower plantings • Non-crop areas, including plantings on managed rights-of-way for transportation systems and utilities (including, roadways, roadsides, railways and equipment yards) • Facilities including substations, tank farms, pumping stations, parking and storage areas, and ungrazed fence rows • Christmas tree farms

Active Ingredient(s): Prodiamine

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 3 Herbicide

EPA#: 100-834

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Reward Landscape and Aquatic


Reward® Landscape and Aquatic Herbicide is a fast-acting, non-selective herbicide that controls floating, submerged and marginal aquatic weeds, even in sensitive aquatic environments. Reward is also ideal for non-selective weed control and burn-down in turf and landscapes including as a trim and edge tool.

Active Ingredient(s): Diquat Dibromide

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 22 Herbicide

EPA#: 100-1091

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Scimitar GC


Scimitar® GC provides fast, broad-spectrum control of more than 20 insects in turf and ornamentals.

Active Ingredient(s): Lambda-cyhalothrin

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 3A Insecticide

EPA#: 100-1088

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WeevilTrakSM provides timely, accurate information to help guide you through the Syngenta Optimum Control Strategy for the treatment of annual bluegrass weevil (ABW).



Secure® fungicide is a multi-site contact fungicide, in a unique chemical class, for golf courses. It contains the active ingredient, fluazinam, and is the only registered fungicide for turf in FRAC group 29. It has no known resistance and as a multi-site contact, it has very low risk of developing resistance.

Active Ingredient(s): Fluazinam

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 29 Fungicide

EPA#: 71512-20-100

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Secure Action


Golf’s leading fungicide, Secure®, is now even better. Secure Action™ fungicide includes a boost of acibenzolar-S-methyl (ASM), to better prevent and quickly recover from biotic and abiotic stress. With an enhanced formulation of a trusted multi-site contact fungicide, it offers improved dollar spot control and brings the ASM defense to fairways and greens, providing inside out turf protection for your entire course.

Active Ingredient(s): Acibenzolar-S-methyl, Fluazinam

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 29, P1 Fungicide

EPA#: 100-1633

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For control of diseases of ornamental plants grown in greenhouses, outdoor growing structures (including shade houses, lath houses and other outdoor growing structures), and nurseries and outdoor ornamental plants grown in commercial landscapes including business and office complexes, shopping complexes, institutional buildings, airports, and cemeteries.

Active Ingredient(s): Oxathiapiprolin

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group U15 Fungicide

EPA#: 100-1533

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Subdue GR


Subdue GR fungicide delivers superior control of diseases caused by Pythium, Phytophthora and downy mildew fungi.

Active Ingredient(s): Mefenoxam

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 4 Fungicide

EPA#: 100-794

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Subdue Maxx


For control of diseases on ornamental plants; ornamental bulb, corm, and tuber plants; conifers and conifer nurseries; Christmas trees and Christmas tree plantations; forest plantations; forest nurseries; and non-bearing citrus trees and fruit and nut plants grown in greenhouses and nurseries (including field- and container-grown plants grown outdoors and in shade houses, lath houses and other production sites and structures), retail nurseries, residential and commercial landscapes, and interior plantscape ornamentals. For control of disease of vegetable transplants grown for retail sale to consumers. For control of diseases on turf.

Active Ingredient(s): Mefenoxam

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 4 Fungicide

EPA#: 100-796

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Talon Weatherblok XT


Made With Talon® Rodenticide - Second Generation Anticoagulant: Kills warfarin-resistant Norway Rats and House Mice. Norway rats and house mice may consume a lethal dose in one night’s feeding with first dead rodents appearing four or five days after feeding begins.

Active Ingredient(s): Brodifacoum

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: N/A

EPA#: 100-1055

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Talon-G Bait Pack


Talon®-G rodenticide maintains one of the highest acceptance rates among rodenticides and contains brodifacoum, a second-generation anticoagulant that provides effective control with a single feeding.

Active Ingredient(s): Brodifacoum

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: N/A

EPA#: 100-1050

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For use in, on, and around buildings and structures for the control of listed pests on lawns, ornamental trees, and shrubs around residential, institutional, public, commercial, and industrial buildings, and in parks, recreational areas, and athletic fields. In the State of New York, this product may only be applied for indoor uses.

Active Ingredient(s): Lambda-cyhalothrin, Thiamethoxam

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 3A, 4A Insecticide

EPA#: 100-1437

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Tenacity herbicide can be used for pre- and post-emergence control of more than 46 broadleaf weed and grass species. Its active ingredient, mesotrione, is based on a naturally occurring compound produced by the bottlebrush plant (Callistemon citrinus) that inhibits photosynthesis in susceptible plant species. It is absorbed by plants through the roots, shoots and leaves and distributed throughout the plant by both xylem and phloem translocation.

Active Ingredient(s): Mesotrione

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 27 Herbicide 

EPA#: 100-1267

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Questions on how to use Tenacity?

View our FAQs for answers to the most commonly asked questions about Tenacity herbicide.



A nonvolatile herbicidal chemical for use as a general herbicide to control weeds in commercial greenhouses and nurseries; ornamental seed crops (flowers, bulbs, etc. – except in the state of California); landscape, industrial, recreational, commercial, residential, and public areas; turf renovation (all turf areas except commercial sod farms); dormant established turfgrass (bermudagrass, zoysiagrass – nonfood or feed crop); and aquatic areas.

Active Ingredient(s): Diquat Dibromide

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 22 Herbicide

EPA#: 100-1390

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Trimmit 2SC

Plant Growth Regulator

The active ingredient in Trimmit® 2SC, Paclobutrazol, suppresses Poa annua and is a proven plant growth regulator for managing top growth of turfgrasses. Use it on established hybrid bermudagrass, bentgrass, bluegrass and perennial ryegrass fairways, tees, and roughs. For growth suppression on established bermudagrass and St. Augustine, it can be used when the grass is green, actively growing and has recovered from dormancy.

Active Ingredient(s): Paclobutrazol

EPA#: 100-1014

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Tuque exoGEM


Tuque exoGEM is a broad-spectrum fungicide containing two active ingredients: fludioxonil and benzovindiflupyr. It has preventative, systemic and curative properties for use for the control of many important turf diseases

Active Ingredient(s): Fludioxonil, Benzovindiflupyr

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 12, 7 Fungicide 

EPA#: 100-1733

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Velista® fungicide is the broadest spectrum SDHI in the golf market. Spring and fall are ideal seasons to clean up greens, tees and fairways. In addition to controlling anthracnose, Velista also protects against dollar spot, brown patch and more. When used in rotation with Briskway® fungicide, Velista delivers excellent control of summer stress diseases on greens when temperatures shift from warm to hot.

Active Ingredient(s): Penthiopyrad

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 7 Fungicide 

EPA#: 100-1534

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