EndeavorĀ® insecticide belongs to a unique class of chemistry that safely eliminates sap-sucking aphids and whiteflies. When applied, Endeavor provides residual control by inhibiting insect feeding. Endeavor is highly compatible with beneficial insects, making it an ideal plant insecticide for integrated crop management (ICM) programs in the greenhouse and nursery.
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FlagshipĀ® 25WG insecticide is the foundation product for insect control and Integrated Crop Management programs for ornamental growers, with a new higher use rate for extended residual and an expanded list of controlled pests including aphids, whiteflies, leafminers and thrips.
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MainspringĀ® GNL insecticide for plants, guards greenhouse and nursery crops from key chewing and sucking pests, including thrips, whiteflies, aphids, caterpillars, leafminers, leaf-feeding beetles, soft scales and lacebugs. It offers reliable, extended protection as part of a preventive pest management strategy.
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