Mastering dollar spot control with effective strategies and agronomic alerts

By Lisa Beirn, Ph.D., technical services manager for Syngenta

As spring temperatures rise and turfgrass begins growing, so does the fungus that causes dollar spot (Clarireedia spp.). Warm days and cool nights that result in heavy dews create ideal conditions for disease development. While most turfgrass species are susceptible to dollar spot, the disease is often most severe on closely mown turf.  

Disease Management Strategies

  • Cultural practices: Dew removal, thatch management, and maintaining proper fertility can help minimize symptoms
  • Chemical control:
    • Preventative fungicide applications are very effective for controlling dollar spot and should be initiated in the spring before symptoms appear. 
    • If curative control is necessary, employ a multi-site contact fungicide like Secure® Action™ fungicide for curative control.
    • Posterity® fungicide (active ingredient pydiflumetofen) is the most active SDHI fungicide for the turf market.
      • Spring applications of Posterity can provide up to 28 days of dollar spot control. 
      • Use Posterity as a preventive fungicide treatment at 0.16 fl. oz./1,000 ft.² in an agronomic spray program. 
  • With Posterity Forte fungicide, a combination of pydiflumetofen, azoxystrobin and propiconazole, the level of disease control has gotten even better. 
    • The low label rate of 0.42 fl. oz./1,000 ft.² will provide up to 28 days of dollar spot control when applied in the spring. 
    • It will also provide control of leaf spot and brown patch. 
  • For broader spectrum control, Posterity XT fungicide is an excellent choice, as it provides up to 28 days of control of 20+ diseases.

Find the Posterity brand that’s right for you at

  • Managing resistance: The fungus that causes dollar spot can rapidly develop resistance to fungicides. 
    • Certain chemical classes are more prone to resistance, so be careful when building an agronomic program. 
    • For chemistries that are high-risk for resistance development such as the SDHIs, it is crucial to rotate to a different chemical class after each application
    • Medium-risk chemistries, such as DMIs, can be applied twice before rotating to a different chemical class. 
  • Tank mixing: In all situations, tank mixing with a low-risk fungicide like Daconil® Action™ fungicide or Secure Action can help delay or prevent resistance.  
    • Secure Action is an excellent tool for resistance management, as it has no known resistance
    • It’s a multi-site contact fungicide containing the active ingredient fluazinam, which disrupts the production of energy at multiple metabolic sites within the fungal cell. 
    • Additionally, Secure Action contains the active ingredient acibenzolar-S-methyl (ASM), which boosts turf’s natural defenses against dollar spot and increases the dollar spot control interval for up to 21 days.
  • Resistance management is an important consideration used in the development of Syngenta agronomic programs. For more information, see the Turf Agronomic Programs from Syngenta for your area. 

Watch the Understanding Fungicide Resistance in Turfgrass Diseases webinar presented by Lisa Beirn, Ph.D. and Lane Tredway, Ph.D., covering the basics of fungicide resistance and strategies for combatting resistance. Receive 0.1 GCSAA education points.

Utilizing Agronomic Alerts

  • Disease prediction models, such as the Smith-Kerns model: Can help predict when outbreaks of dollar spot may occur
    • Research has shown that the Smith-Kerns model can help optimize fungicide application timings based on when dollar spot is likely to develop in your area. 
    • To help you maximize dollar spot control, Syngenta has incorporated the Smith-Kerns model into a user-friendly format that sends customized dollar spot alerts for your area.  
    • Sign up to receive automatic email notifications when conditions are prime for dollar spot in your area.  
    • For access to the Smith-Kerns model right on your phone, download the GreenCast® Connect app today. GreenCast Connect uses GPS-driven, site-specific weather data to predict the risk of disease, weed and pest threats and sends timely alerts straight to your phone. Learn more at

© 2025 Syngenta. Important: Always read and follow label instructions. Some products may not be registered for sale or use in all states or counties and/or may have state-specific use requirements. Please check with your local extension service to ensure registration and proper use. Action™, Daconil®, GreenCast®, Posterity® and the Syngenta logo are trademarks of a Syngenta Group Company. Secure® is a registered trademark of Ishihara Sangyo Kaisha, LTD. All other trademarks are the property of their respective third-party owners.

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