Successful Mum Production Starts with a Proven Agronomic Plan
June 28, 2023
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Garden mums are most often produced outdoors in the summer months, which makes them subject to weather conditions favorable for insects and diseases. Ensure healthy mums in the fall by implementing an agronomic program to follow throughout production. An agronomic program can provide guidance for properly using different products to control common pest problems while also proactively managing against resistance.
Watch Out for Common Mum Pests
Two of the most common diseases encountered during garden mum production are root rots caused by Pythium spp. and Fusarium wilt, caused by Fusarium oxysporum.
Pythium spp. infections occur more commonly in southern regions, especially in areas that experience frequent, heavy rain events and hot temperatures. Infected plants will be lighter green, smaller and wilt during the heat of the day, even when the soil is moist. As the disease progresses, lower leaves will turn yellow and drop.
Symptoms of Fusarium infections often show in late summer, but infections begin earlier, so it is important to protect throughout the season. When infections occur, foliage in sections of the canopy will appear lighter in color and cause wilting from the bottom up.
In all stages of production, garden mums are highly susceptible to thrips, aphids and worms.
Controlling thrips is especially important to prevent the spread of viruses such as Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus (TSWV), which can spread rapidly throughout mums and into other crops. Thrips feed by scraping and piercing plant tissue, resulting in leaf stippling, scarring and distortion.
Like thrips, aphids can spread viruses such as Chrysanthemum Virus B (CVB) and cause physical damage by using their piercing mouthparts to extract fluids from stems, leaves and other plant parts. Aphids develop quickly, especially in the warmer months, which means populations can grow rapidly.
Loopers, armyworms and other lepidopteran pests also feed on mums and can damage plants if they are not found in time. Scout diligently for moth activity in the production area so you can apply appropriate controls in time.
Establish an Agronomic Program
An agronomic program can help prevent plant damage and stress by rotating products with different strengths and modes of action to provide maximum benefit. Below is an agronomic program from Syngenta for 12- to 16-week mum crops that rotates products to address the most common insect and disease problems you are likely to encounter.
Round Out Your Program with Mainspring GNL
Mainspring® GNL insecticide is a key component in mum agronomic programs. It is a systemic insecticide from the diamide chemistry class that provides extended protection as a spray or drench. This application flexibility helps you target all insects on your mums, whether they are in the upper canopy or on the undersides of leaves.
Mainspring GNL can be used throughout mum production to target thrips, aphids and lepidopteran pests. It quickly paralyzes insects and stops them from feeding, which limits disease transmission and unsightly damage to foliage and flowers.
Preparation is an essential part of effective disease and insect management. Set yourself up for success and ensure healthy, salable mums.
Learn more about Syngenta agronomic programs here.
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