Create a buzz: Protect pollinators with stunning landscapes

By Matt Giese, M.S., technical services manager for Syngenta

Across the country, manicured landscapes are beginning to feature more pollinator habitats, bringing renewed vitality to populations of bees and other pollinators. To support this effort, Operation Pollinator, a biodiversity program from Syngenta, equips landscapers and Lawn Care Operators (LCOs) with materials and resources to help restore local pollinator populations through planting native wildflowers within landscapes.

Syngenta has conducted years of research on establishing pollinator habitats and the benefits they provide, which include:

  • Playing a key role in reviving native bees and other pollinators, like butterflies
  • Introducing vivid, domestic wildflowers to your landscape
  • Generating community and client pride
  • Enhancing the overall aesthetic experience of landscapes
  • Creating positive publicity for the surrounding community
  • Attracting organizations, visitors and customers interested in sustainable efforts

Operation Pollinator, which collaborates with Applewood Seed Company in Arvada, Colorado, provides LCOs with resources and expertise to successfully establish habitats for pollinating insects, like honey bees and butterflies, while adding vibrancy to lawns of all sizes with custom-blended, native wildflower mixes. Commercial and private landscapes, from spacious university campuses to cozy backyards, make ideal sites to preserve and enhance the essential habitats of pollinators.

To help set up an Operation Pollinator plot, landscapers and LCOs are given agronomic information to successfully establish and manage an attractive wildflower habitat for pollinators. Operation Pollinator isn’t restricted to large spaces, as anyone with a rural or urban green space can participate.

To learn more about how your landscape can host an Operation Pollinator habitat, contact your local Syngenta territory manager.

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