Fairy Ring Solutions | GreenCast | Syngenta

Symptoms and Causes

Fairy ring is unique because its symptoms are not directly caused by fungal pathogens. Rather, pathogens cause symptoms indirectly by changing the chemical and physical properties of the soil. Because causes and symptoms vary, preventive applications provide the best control.

Preventive Fairy Ring Guarantee Program

When you follow the prescriptive fungicide program developed by Syngenta experts, tailored to your region as noted below, you are guaranteed season-long fairy ring control.1

Bermudagrass and Seashore Paspalum Putting GreensCreeping Bentgrass Putting Greens
Application #Fairy ring and Mini ring Program
(FL and HI)
Initiate applications in spring when soil temperatures are consistently above 70°F and turf is actively growing (typically March).
Fairy ring and Mini ring Program
(AL, AR, GA, MS, NC, SC, TN, VA)
Initiate applications in spring when soil temperatures are consistently above 60°F and turf is actively growing (typically March-April).
Fairy ring, Summer patch, Take-all patch Program
(CA, CO, GA, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, MI, MO, MS, MT, NC, ND, NE, OH, OK, OR, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, WI, WY)
Initiate applications in spring when soil temperatures are consistently above 60°F (typically March-April).
1Briskway® (0.7 fl. oz.)Briskway (0.7 fl. oz.)Posterity® XT (3 fl. oz.)2
2Velista® (0.7 oz.)Velista (0.7 oz.)Posterity XT (3 fl. oz.)2
3Briskway (0.7 fl. oz.)Velista (0.7 oz.)Briskway (0.7 fl. oz.)
4Velista (0.7 oz.)Briskway (0.7 fl. oz.)Velista (0.7 oz.)
5Briskway (0.7 fl. oz.)Briskway (0.7 fl. oz.)Briskway (0.7 fl. oz.)
6Velista (0.7 oz.)-Velista (0.7 oz.)
7Briskway (0.7 fl. oz.)-Briskway (0.7 fl. oz.)
All rates are per 1,000 ft.2
1Terms and conditions apply
*Terms and conditions apply.
A Preventive Strategy

Because fairy ring in turf causes symptoms indirectly by changing soil properties, curative fungicide applications can be unreliable. Once symptoms appear, suppression requires additional steps, such as cultivation and/or a soil surfactant application, to correct soil properties and encourage turf recovery.

That's why a preventive strategy should be used.

For best results, follow these key recommendations when planning your preventive fairy ring control strategy:

  • Maintain regular, preventive applications throughout the season.
    • Initiate applications early in the season when soil temperatures reach 60°F.
    • Deliver the active ingredient to the infested zone of the soil profile.
  • Apply soil surfactants regularly to maintain soil conditions and turf health.
    • Preventive fungicide applications do not require tank-mixing with a soil surfactant, but curative applications generally do.
  • Determine how deep the fairy ring infestations are for watering-in product applications.
    • 0.15" of irrigation is needed if limited to the thatch layer.
    • 0.25" of irrigation is needed if 2-3" deep in soil.
  • Repeat applications on regular intervals to maintain consistent suppression in the soil.
    • Fungicides are a long-term, preventive approach.
  • Rotate fungicide classes.
    • Briskway, Velista and Posterity brand fungicides will provide season long control that protects your course from fairy ring.

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Fairy Ring Solutions

Posterity XT fungicide is the latest fairy ring solution from Syngenta. Powered by three leading active ingredients including ADEPIDYN® technology (pydiflumetofen), it provides optimum, broad-spectrum control of more than 25 other diseases including dollar spot, brown patch, summer patch, leaf spot and more.

Velista is an SDHI fungicide that provides 28 days of effective fairy ring control and controls several diseases like brown patch, summer patch, dollar spot and more.

Briskway fungicide, the proven cooling DMI and strobilurin combination, controls more than 20 diseases including fairy ring, with no negative growth regulation even under high-stress conditions.

Briskway + Velista Multipak
1 - 1 gal. Briskway fungicide
6 – 22 oz. Velista fungicide

Briskway + Velista Multipak

Briskway and Velista fungicides are also available in a convenient Multipak which offers:

  • 10% savings over individual purchases
  • A foundation for the GreenTrust® 365 Fairy Ring Guarantee Program
  • Excellent broad-spectrum control

For efficacy ratings and spectrum of control across the Syngenta portfolio click here.