What is Operation Pollinator?
Operation Pollinator provides golf course managers agronomic information to successfully establish and manage attractive wildflower habitat for bumblebees and other pollinators. Additionally, managers can use provided communication tools to help explain how Operation Pollinator supports pollinators while also enhancing the visual appearance of the course and the overall playing experience.
Syngenta has conducted more than 10 years of research on the benefits of establishing an Operation Pollinator habitat, which include:
- Playing a key role in reviving native bees and other pollinating insects
- Introducing native wildflowers to your course for pollinators
- Attracting organizations and players interested in sustainable efforts on golf courses
- Generating pride for your course and the community
- Enhancing visual appearance of the course and overall golfing experience when full establishment is achieved
- Creating positive publicity for the club
To learn more about how your golf course can host an Operation Pollinator habitat, please contact your local Syngenta territory manager.
Positive Action for Pollinators
Operation Pollinator is a global program that restores native pollinators in landscapes by creating essential habitats. Syngenta is working with beekeepers and researchers around the globe to identify solutions that will improve bee health.
Golf course superintendents can increase the sustainable management of turf and resources through programs such as Operation Pollinator.
Generate learning and pride for your community and golf course by creating accessible sites for city organizations, such as local schools.
Since 2001, Operation Pollinator has provided golf course managers the support to establish and manage attractive wildflower habitats crucial for preserving pollinating insects.
Syngenta collaborates with Applewood Seed Company in Arvada, Colo. to provide your golf course with custom-blended wildflower mixes native to your geographic region. To learn more about selecting seeds for your golf course, please visit www.applewoodseed.com or call Diane Wilson, ecologist with Applewood Seed Company, at (303) 431-7333 or DWilson@applewoodseed.com.
Connect With Us
SYNGENTA IS WORKING WITH beekeepers and researchers around the globe to help improve bee health. Visit
OperationPollinator.com or
BeeHealth.org to learn more about the activities in other countries and industries.
1 Spleen, Angela M., Lengerich, Eugene J., Rennich, K., Caron, D., Rose, R., Pettis, Jeff S., Henson, M., Wilkes, James T., Wilson, M., Stitzinger, J., Lee, K., Andree, M., Snyder, R. vanEngelsdorp, D. Journal of Apicultural Research (2013). "A national survey of managed honey bee 2011-2012 winter colony losses in the United States: results from the Bee Informed Partnership." Web.
All photos are the property of Syngenta unless otherwise noted.
Syngenta. The Purpose Icon, the Alliance Frame and the Syngenta logo are trademarks of a Syngenta Group Company. The Applewood Seed Company logo is a trademark of Applewood Seed.