Search results for: Provaunt Insecticide



European crane flies, annual bluegrass weevil (ABW), turf caterpillars (including armyworms, cutworms and sod webworms) and mole crickets all pose a significant threat to turf. Provaunt® insecticide controls all of these pests and more to protect your turf and landscape ornamentals.

Active Ingredient(s): Indoxacarb

HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group 22 Insecticide

EPA#: 100-1487

Currently Approved States
Currently Approved Use Sites
Labeled Pests
Worker Safety Information


WeevilTrakSM provides timely, accurate information to help guide you through the Syngenta Optimum Control Strategy for the treatment of annual bluegrass weevil (ABW).