Take-all Patch | GreenCast | Syngenta

Take-all Patch

Causal Agent:

Gaeumannomyces graminis var. avenae

Susceptible Turfgrasses:

Colonial bentgrass; Creeping bentgrass


Take-all patch symptoms initially appear as small, circular reddishbrown spots. While infection of roots occurs during cool, wet weather in spring or fall, symptoms are most evident during periods of heat stress in rapidly drying soils due to dysfunction of infected roots. Symptoms progress to wilted (especially noted early a.m. in dew patterns), circular patches that are blue-gray, red-brown or bronze-colored. Patches can measure up to several feet in diameter. As bentgrass ages, or in less severe cases, patches often appear yellow (i.e., take-all decline).

Conditions Favoring Disease:

Root infection typically begins during cool and wet weather between fall and spring and in areas with a root zone soil pH > 6.5. Take-all is most common in new sand-based rootzone constructions or where woodlands have been recently cleared. The disease typically appears in the second year following establishment. Severity normally decreases as bentgrass matures over a 2 to 5 year period, but in rare cases it can remain a chronic problem and patches may exceed 3' in diameter. Take-all can recur sporadically on much older sites when there is abnormally high rainfall in late winter and spring.

Management Tips:

  • Ammonium sulfate used in conjunction with manganese sulfate has been shown to reduce take-all severity.
  • Improve water drainage.
  • Reduce thatch.
  • In chronically severe cases, acidification of irrigation water may be necessary.
  • Apply a proper systemic fungicide preventively twice in the fall with a follow-up application in early spring after the first mowing until decline is complete.
  • Curative fungicide applications are far less effective.
  • Stay one step ahead of take-all patch and sign up for take-all patch alerts from Syngenta.

Frequently occurs in:

Take-all occurs wherever bentgrasses are grown, but is most common in the Northeast, mid-Atlantic, Midwest, and Pacific Northwest.

Guarantee Program
The GreenTrust® 365 Fairy Ring Guarantee Program also features proven application recommendations and performance guarantees for take-all patch control on creeping bentgrass. Visit GreenTrust365.com/Guarantee for more details.

Recommended Products:

Concert II
Heritage Action
Posterity XT