Field Insights Blog | GreenCast | Syngenta
Field Insights Blog | GreenCast | Syngenta

Are You Growing?

When asked what constitutes a healthy plant, I often respond with one that is growing because the alternative is one that is dying. You can think in the same terms with your own professional growth. If you continue to be curious and strive to be a better professional turfgrass manager then you will continue to succeed. If you chose not to, you are choosing a path of professional decline. In the next few months, there are numerous opportunities to grow professionally through webinars, conferences and workshops.

One of the big changes in the last 10-15 years is how education is delivered through online programs or seminars, often referred to as webinars. Back in the day, which I will not actually give how long ago since it will date me; seminars had to be traveled to, often at one’s expense to hear the latest from a turfgrass expert. Currently, you can “attend” a seminar online (webinar). Most are recorded so you can re-watch or watch at your convenience. As an example, the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America (GCSAA) provides webinars over a wide range of topics.

Screenshot of GCSAA TV website with upcoming events and categories.

The GCSAA webinars are free to members due in a large part to Syngenta®'s sponsorship of the webinars. Past and current webinars can be found at GCSAA TV.   In addition, the webinars conducted by Syngenta technical staff members for GCSAA can be found here at GreenCast, which are free to all.

GCSAA webinars.

One of the most exciting developments in is the development of what I like to call mini-MBA programs for golf course superintendents. I am most familiar with the Syngenta Business Institute, which is a three-day workshop done in conjunction with Wake Forest University. Opportunities like the Syngenta Business Institute and others that enhance the knowledge and credentials of the golf course superintendent will increase in popularity.

Screenshot of a webpage for the Syngenta Business Institute.

I've focused on only a few of the learning opportunities through GCSAA and Syngenta.  There is a plethora of opportunities to continue to gain knowledge and advance in your professional growth. It seems that knowledge aided by technology doubles every few years in our profession. Continue to grow, because the alternative is to be left behind.

About the author

Dr. Karl Danneberger is a professor of Turfgrass Science at The Ohio State University. Dr. Danneberger's contact information can be found here. You may also follow Dr. Danneberger on Twitter:

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