Summertime Arrival: Anthracnose

Finally, or unfortunately, the arrival of summertime stress conditions in the north is cause for concern regarding anthracnose.  Anthracnose, especially as a basal stem rot and crown infection, is wide spread in areas experiencing hot, humid, and wet summertime conditions.  Disease symptoms appear as bronze to orangish patches.  The infected plants have blackened crowns and lower sheaths and roots.  In the crown region, the fruiting structure of the pathogen, called an acervuli, is often found.  The foliar anthracnose most often found in annual bluegrass fairways is also present in many northern areas.  Where present in fairways, check to make sure it is anthracnose and not drought or black turfgrass ataenius damage.

 If this disease is affecting your annual bluegrass, you need to identify the environmental stress (ex. shade, compaction, etc.) and try to alleviate it.  Cultural practices that help reduce the severity of basal rot anthracnose include 1) proper water management, avoid over watering, 2) maintain a fertilization program to keep the turf growing (avoid excessive N); spoon feed since the plant and root are not functioning well., 3) raise the cutting height, 4) maintain light frequent topdressing, 5) fertilize with at least 1/10 of a pound actual nitrogen per 1000 sq.ft. per  week and 5) alleviate soil compaction.   Fungicide applications will be necessary in most cases.

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