Agronomic Programs and Summer Stress – Understanding the Relationship

Turfgrasses are susceptible to many types of stress, and in the summer, they can be adversely affected by both biotic and abiotic stresses. Biotic stresses can be caused by plant pathogens, insects or nematodes. While plant pathogens are the most common, the type of biotic stress will depend upon geography, the host plant and its susceptibility to a particular stress. 

Abiotic stresses can be synthesized or occur naturally. Although they are caused by numerous factors including regular wear from golfers and regular maintenance, abiotic stress increases drastically in the summer by two key stresses: drought and high temperature. Drought stress can result in leaf wilting and desiccation, leading to a loss of turf quality. High temperatures, classified as temperatures above 85 F, can limit both root and shoot growth. (For cool-season turfgrasses, the optimum air temperatures for plant growth are between 65 F and 75 F). Managing turfgrass under these conditions can be difficult, but a sound agronomic program can help.

Summer biotic stresses (plant pathogens):

Three key diseases that impact summer stress in the transition zone and the North include anthracnose, summer patch and brown patch. Fungicide selection is important for managing turfgrass when disease pressure is moderate to high. 

For optimal disease control, especially for diseases like anthracnose, it is recommended to tank mix a contact fungicide with a systemic fungicide.

Summer abiotic stress (drought and high temperature):
When the turf plant that is stressed by drought or high temperature, it is important to read labels and choose controls carefully to avoid phytotoxicity. The Syngenta agronomic programs have been tested to be safe to turfgrass plants when applied during summer stress.

  • Heritage Action and Daconil Action actually improve plant performance by affecting multiple physiological processes within the turfgrass plant and are the only two products in the turf market proven to manage stomatal regulation, which reduces water loss.
  • Briskway is the only DMI containing fungicide that is safe for turfgrass even in extreme temperatures.
  • Appear has a unique formulation that features two components that work together to improve summer stress tolerance and turf quality.
  • Velista delivers excellent disease control during summer stress and is the broadest spectrum SDHI and the only SDHI to control anthracnose.

The agronomic programs from Syngenta are tailored to particular regions and turf species based on the conditions and stresses typically encountered. Using our research and experience, Syngenta can develop rotations and tank-mixtures that deliver outstanding turf quality and playability by managing these notable biotic and abiotic stresses.

For more information on the agronomic programs recommended for your region, contact your local Syngenta territory manager.

©2015 Syngenta. Important: Always read and follow label instructions. Some products may not be registered for sale or use in all states or counties. Please check with your state or local Extension Service to ensure registration status. Appear®, Velista™, Briskway™, Daconil Action™, Heritage™, Heritage Action™, Primo Maxx™ and the Syngenta logo are trademarks of a Syngenta Group Company.


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