Tips for combatting take-all root rot that you can use nowTake-all root rot is prevalent on ultradwarf bermudagrass putting greens in the transition zone, but you can take steps to protect turf from other stresses and facilitate recovery once favorable growing conditions return.
Take-all root rot is prevalent on ultradwarf bermudagrass putting greens in...
Protect your bermudagrass greens now to maximize spring qualityFall is upon us, and as days become shorter and temperatures become cooler, bermudagrass greens begin to suffer from energy deprivation.
Fall is upon us, and as days become shorter and temperatures become cooler,...
Solutions for Pythium diseasesDonāt wait until July or August to begin planning for Pythium. While that is the key time to prevent Pythium blight on cool-season grasses, other Pythium diseases can attack throughout the growing season.
Donāt wait until July or August to begin planning for Pythium. While that i...