Improve turf quality by preventing nematodesSpring is an important time to protect turfgrass roots from nematode feeding. If nematodes are left uncontrolled, they can severely hamper new root growth, slow spring green-up and send turf into the summer in a weakened state.
Spring is an important time to protect turfgrass roots from nematode feedin...
Maximize root growth this fallWhile it’s important to maximize root growth and plant health all year long, fall and spring are key times to grow roots in the south and transition zone, both in cool- and warm-season grasses.
While it’s important to maximize root growth and plant health all year long...
Understanding when to water-in Syngenta productsTo get the best performance out of any product application, there are many best management practices to consider.
To get the best performance out of any product application, there are many ...
Seeing the unseen: How to scout for turf nematodesOften, nematodes are overlooked pests in turfgrass. The above-ground symptoms that result from their feeding are extremely variable, including lack of wear tolerance, slow recovery from aerification, heat and drought stress, nutrient deficiency and increased susceptibility to disease.
Often, nematodes are overlooked pests in turfgrass. The above-ground sympto...