Ornamental Agronomic Programs | GreenCast | Syngenta

While every greenhouse and nursery operation is different, preparation is an essential part of effective disease and insect management. The presence of water on leaves, high humidity levels, temperature changes and decreased air flow can lead to favorable conditions for a variety of diseases. And even the most rigorous sanitation programs and detailed inspection processes canā€™t exclude all insect pests. But, by carefully planning and preparing for the expected and, to some extent, the unexpected, growers can help prevent plant damage and stress. Syngenta has developed agronomic programs that address the most common disease and insect pests and provide a framework for rotating products and modes of action. Rotating different chemistries is particularly important in the ornamental industry where production can occur 52 weeks of the year and resistance can become an issue.

Syngenta offers several agronomic programs to assist with your nursery and greenhouse management.

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Syngenta developed several agronomic programs to assist with your nursery and greenhouse management. These programs have been researched and tested by our technical experts to:

  • Offer comprehensive, long-lasting management of insects and disease affecting your operation or specific crop
  • Rotate modes of action to help prevent the onset of resistance and preserve valuable chemistries
  • Focus on the best preventive treatments to help save time and resources compared to curative treatments

Our interactive rotation programs tool gives you quick access to web-based programs with links to product labels, product volume calculators, related programs and more. To find a tailored program for your operation, simply select your program needs below.